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tv   wusa 9 News Sunday at 630pm  CBS  June 16, 2013 6:30pm-7:00pm EDT

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drive. two people taken to the ambulance by hospital. a third was flown to prince george's hospital at the shock trauma center. well happy father's day. that time we reflect on the importance of the father in our lives and the lives of children whether he's in the household or not. it has gotten complicated on a lot of fronts as surae chinn went to church today with one family trying to hold it together while a lot of families around them are coming apart. >> bruce, according to the u.s. census bureau. one out of three children lives apart from their biological father. farout pacing any other ethnic group. there can be negative effects of not having a dad around, but we followed one family that's bucking the trend. >> happy father's day. >> reporter: the cooper family comes to sunday service at the congregational united church east with many reasons to praise their father and it is
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not just because he's in the men's choir. >> going up into the african american community. my dad would instill the value of education, being on time, being pung a man of things. >> reporter: the older son is looking out for the others. >> being accountable to yourself and others, really trying to be a leader and the best you can be. >> i'm not perfect, but i'm trying to get there. we focus on what's ahead. and to continue to understand and know what it really takes to be a real father and to have three grown young men. >> and when research shows that 2/3 of the african american children are growing up without their fathers. these children are more likely to be poor, use drugs, engage in crime, or have a greater chance of winding up in jail. the mayor says we can do better. >> we need to do more to get
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our fathers involved when you talk about 64% of african american fathers who were not involved. >> reporter: and they benefit more than girls by having a father figure in their lives. >> i always depend on them when i can't be there. it is very important to my sons to have a father figure in their lives. >> reporter: on this father's day, they could say job well done. >> they all excel and reach in different ways. great to be very successful. but it is even greater to be a great father. >> happy father's day. >> here is the footnote as he was married to the mother of the three older boys until reaching their teenage years. but he's been in the picture ever since. they say that out of more than 12 million single parent families in 2011 that more than 80% were headed by single mothers. teenagers living with their
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single mothers and at mothers grandparent in the household turn out as good or even better than other teenagers in married families. i'm surae chinn for wusa9. >> thanks. just a footnote for those of us raised in a family with no father, we want to thank the men that did step in of their presence. to help prepare us to be great fathers. happy father's day to you as well. nelson mandela continues to improve as well. the president remains to be hospitalized with a lung infection. but the grandson says that mandela is defying the odds tonight as you might recall at one point that the associate said for mandela that it is time to let them go as they pay tribute to the cards and flowers outside the hospital where mandela has spent the past eight days. >> mandela, being the father of
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the nation. and that the children will be thinking of them and praying for them. >> they are showing us the inspirations and everything like that with our father as we wake up to every morning, using the strength to get up there to feel good. as we can see the sun coming up it will be great. >> in the meantime the young south africans mark the national youth day today. the event coincides with this day in 1976 when police opened up fire on the students protesting the park item. and they marched to a memorial for a 13-year-old boy killed by police during the confrontation. they are anxious to return to the scene of the most destructive wildfire. but authorities say that it is still not safe tonight as they say that the 22-square mile fire is now 65% contained. but the crews are still working to put out the hot spot. as they report tonight, road and power lines still need to
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be prepared and the area is still considered a crime scene while two deaths are being investigated. >> those on the front lines hope to have it fully contained by thursday. destroying close to 500 homes. >> what do you do now? >> we start over and build a new life. >> reporter: he took this video. the chimney is all that's left standing and the home is the base for the first tree business. but the fire destroyed all the vehicle and equipment. he was out of town when that fire started. by the time you return, authorities would not let him get any belongings. any i want to thank them from the bottom of my heart for not letting me in. i would have stayed there. >> reporter: the crews are going and putting out hot spots. but the county officials were urging displaced residents to be there. >> i don't want to create a false believe that it is not going to happen. >> reporter: but thousands have been allowed to return. and on saturday, hundreds in
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colorado springs, they showed up. the 44-year-old waited to catch the first glimpse of his dad in three days. >> we have to give them a big father's day. >> reporter: the crowds waited for hours to offer cheers and high fives. cbs news, colorado springs. and news that the national security agency has been monitoring the cell phones and the internet communications have sparked a lot of debate over the rights to privacy. when face the nation today, the white house chief of staff says that the president barack obama has not violated the privacy of any americans. he says that the president has acted with the full knowledge and corporation of the congress. >> so we need to find the right balance between protecting our privacy, which is sacred for the nation and protecting the country from the real risk and threat that we face. they are not saying to trust me that they are saying that i want every member of congress
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on the authority that we're running the program to understand it, to be briefed about it, and to be comfortable about it. they have authorized these programs and these debates are to their credit. but at the end of the day it's bipartisan, enacting these. >> there is more as the white house said that the meta data pulled by the secret government program does not contain the content of the communication that they say it does include the phone, internet, local information, all in an effort to disrupt the terrorist plots. in rome, we saw this as some 35,000 bikers rode in to the city to celebrate the motorcycles and their 110th anniversary. 1,400 of them are granted permission to park their bikes at the vatican to hear the pope deliver a special blessing. and the crowds, they would mingle with the nuns and other faithful catholics as the pope celebrated mass. >> and they are all standing up. it will fall. yeah, it's beautiful. >> i did not expect the pope to
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be so near because he was standing here. i don't know, to create their way here. it was really something amazing. >> yeah, the biggest thing for them for the contact feature and we're all brothers here. >> you don't have to be from that. we have done it on a certain teller and just score. that is all it is. >> early this week, the milwaukee-based harley davidson company would give the pope two classic harleys and a motorcycle jacket. and looking forward to seeing them on one of those bikes. coming up tonight. new plan to help save the honey bee is creating a lot of buzz this weekend. we'll tell you about that and the other step in the cross country flight of the solar plane that will be completed. and i hope that all the dance on out there would have a happy father's day as the weekend has been pretty good. some showers moving in today. getting a little break. but tracking even more storms on the way. i'll have all the details in your first alert forecast in
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♪ ♪ for a store near you go to
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♪ for a store near you go to flooded rivers have swept away the fire causing damage to the land. they landed at the international airport powered only by the son called the
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power impulse with about 12,000 solar cells on the side of the jumbo jet. the plane only travels about 24 miles per hour. the journey began back on may 23 in northern california. washington state university has a new pride that generating a lot of buzz these days. the university plans to develop the first sperm bank for the honey bees. scientists are using the liquid nitrogen to preserve these semen to help save the honey bees sub species from extinction. it is also a serious business as the state's apple crop needs some 250,000 colonies of bees each year to pollinate the orchards. coming up tonight, what we need to can -- will we need to cancel any outdoor plans
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for those late cookouts, are we going to be okay? >> yes, we'll be okay. a few of those showers moving in. nothing really heavy or steady, but we did get moisture further to the north of town. right now though, we're looking pretty good. i think that in all folks had a pretty good father's day, salvaging a part of this two- part weekend. let's take a look outside. not too bad with a little bit on the overcast sky with the low clouds that are hanging through most of the day. yes, the mugginess has come back. humidity is quite high. looking at the humidity up above 50% right now. and that there will be more sheerer activity as we head into tomorrow. satellite and radar showing you how well you have cleared out over the last couple of hours, showing you even more moisture coming in and with the
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southwest wind and the bulk of the moisture from the beltway region will be long gone. a shower will be possible, early morning, but it should not affect your commute too much. they are sitting in the 80s for most of the region. hitting in the 70s north and wet with a fairly muggy night tonight. expect them to stay fairly mild. calling about 70 degrees overnight in the city getting down to the middle 60s. but for the showers and thunderstorms right now have moved on out. partly cloudy skies for your morning commute as you get into the afternoon, however for tomorrow, passing 6:00 a.m. and going to 6:00 p.m. scattered late day showers and thunderstorms affecting your commute home tomorrow and still the daytime heating is going to do it. 88 is the expected high at reagan national as we should say the middle to upper 80s for much of the region. yes, we'll have that opportunity for them to build in a late day shower or thunderstorm. here is what you need to know to plan your monday. looks like we're going to start
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off fairly dry in the morning, muggy and mild as we're going to shoot out of the 70s into the 80s by the early afternoon. stirring up all the daytime heating. opportunities for the showers and thunderstorms, playly as we head -- particularly as we head into the late afternoon hours. we start to dry things out and clear things out overnight on monday night. so a green alert for the next three days. temperatures, staying warm, until we get to wednesday. that's when you had a little wind shift that will bring us things with a little muggy view for us. down to 80 degrees. by the end of the week, we'll start to warm up once again. so far it looks like the next chance for rain for us is towards the end of the week and a pretty decent weekend next weekend. >> all right. and you've got your dad today? >> yes, absolutely. first thing. sure did. they're enjoying the nice warm florida weather right now. there's no offense today. they couldn't get that going. >> it's a story as soon as something is getting better, they fall back asleep.
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i don't know. it's a roller coaster and it seems like they have all their energy and that their bats were quiet today. but we saw a return as that is a plus. we'll tell you how they did and a big night for alex ovechkin. but how is the have a good night. here you go. you, too.
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i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. [ wife ] sorry. [ male announcer ] but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today.
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nationals rookie is the only player on the team right now to hold any kind of an offensive streak with three more hits today, extending the hitting streak to 10 games. as for the rest of them, they were a little sleepy today. even the return of steven strasberg couldn't get them going. gets spruced up heating with the high heat here. allowing one hit and one run. they had base hitters all afternoon. zimmerman reaching here in the
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4th. and they batter the strikeout. the story all day long with jonathan lining into a rally killing double play with the bases loaded as they lose 2-10. fall below .500. the 8th time that they have been shut out all season. >> and we had something going. we either did not put it in play or hit it in the wrong spot. so that is all we could handle getting beat. i don't like when we beat ourselves to have plenty of chances and did nothing with it. >> the orioles offense on the other hand, they are on fire, especially this guy and the third inning, chris davis, slamming the two-run shot to the right field as he is now leading the league with 23 home runs. he had his way with the red sox player jon lester today. here he is again, getting the double to the left. lester is not having a good day as orioles win 6-3 taking the
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four-game series from boston. mother nature has not been kind to the golfers at marianne this weekend merion -- merion this weekend. we have seen a stop of the players looking for the top spot. phil mickelson is your leader headed in for today celebrating his 44th birthday. and you've got justin rose who is up there as well. let's take a look at the current leader board. right now we've got all three of those guys tied for first at 1-over. jason day is in 4th at 2-over, but they're coming down the home stretch, so we'll see who can hold on as it has been back and forth all day. it was a shortened season, but a good one for alex ovechkin, taking home the heart trophy, given to the league's mvp. his third time winning it. he edged out sidney crosby for the award by 32 points.
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wrapping up the season by playing on a broken foot, suffering a hairline fracture after his foot was hit by a puck. however his foot is healing just fine. he's walking around, no problem and he will soon start playing tennis, most likely with his fiance to get in shape. kids enjoying the day at the mystics game, taking on the fever. mystics playing some of their best basketball in a long time. ivory with 17 points today. game was tied at half time. and then crystal langhorn former maryland's player and our former intern just fired up. with four free throws to help the mystics win, off the best start in the franchise history. >> you can all go ahead and do this right here. i'll say nothing else. we're not going to worry about what you think about us. we've got a great coach. great 11 players in there with the trainers and everybody else helping the organization get better. you can all talk.
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we're ahead of everything. we're not going to make the playoffs. now, listen, we believe in ourselves and that's the only thing that matters. >> good for them. they're playing good basketball. >> oh man, this could go well for the wizards, right? >> maybe. >> let's hope. >> all right. yeah, it'll be a muggy day tomorrow. temperatures are going to soar. we'll get into the upper 80s, feeling impressive. late day later and thunderstorm a possibility. wednesday looking great though. >> just to repeat, she was your intern? >> yeah, she was one of our best. >> taught her everything she has? >> of course, right. >> you can get updates any time online on we'll see you back here at 11:00. bye.
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have hail damage to both their cars. ted ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on
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captioning funded by cbs and ford-- built for the road ahead. >> logan: we're about to take you behind the scenes of a three-year investigation that took down the supercartel.


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